The first public molecular recognition database, BindingDB supports research, education and practice in drug discovery, pharmacology and related fields.

BindingDB contains 2.9M data for 1.2M Compounds and 9.3K Targets. Of those, 1,352K data for 627K Compounds and 4.5K Targets were curated by BindingDB curators. BindingDB is a FAIRsharing resource.

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6 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review

Article Title
Investigation ofa-conotoxin unbinding using umbrella sampling.EBI
Ocean University of China
Structure-based design, synthesis and structure-activity relationships of dibenzosuberyl- and benzoate-substituted tropines as ligands for acetylcholine-binding protein.EBI
Vu University Amsterdam
Insights into the structural determinants required for high-affinity binding of chiral cyclopropane-containing ligands toa4ß2-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: an integrated approach to behaviorally active nicotinic ligands.EBI
University of Illinois At Chicago
Unique neonicotinoid binding conformations conferring selective receptor interactions.EBI
Gifu University
Synthesizing Selective Agonists for the ?7 Nicotinic Receptor with in situ Click-Chemistry on Acetylcholine Binding Protein Templates.BDB
University of California San Diego
Creating an a7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Recognition Domain from the Acetylcholine-binding ProteinBDB
Uc San Diego